Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Principles of Design



Symmetrical balance dis[lays a formal feeling to the room, very organized outlook.


Asymmetrical is known as informal balance, because the elements are different sizes, shapes and forms.


Emphasis is the focal point of a room.  It is an area that draws attention immediately to that object.  Emphasis could be a number of different things. 

My Emphasis is: FLOWERS


My theme was a Zen outlook. I think of peaceful and natural elements when someone says harmony. I used a variety of natural elements such as; the plants, wooden furniture, and natural colors.


·         Repetition: I used the same picture, and colors in the room.
·         Radiation: The pictures on the wall display radiation quite well.

·         Gradation: I used many shapes, the lamp design shows gradation by the shape getting smaller closer to the shade.

Scale and Proportion